05.02.2021. 17:00 (Friday)

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Due to the coronavirus-related regulations, we are closed for an undefinite period from 11 November. You can view our LIVE STREAM concerts on Facebook and our Youtube channel.
Révész Richárd is one of the most outstanding Latin-jazz pianists in this country, an authentic interpreter of Afro-Cuban music. Cuban singer, Vicente Alberto Izquierdo Curberlo had this to say of him: „I always find it difficult to speak of a friend or a brother and the case of Ricardo presents a dual problem of him being both a good friend and a brother at the same time. As a musician and a pianist I don’t know anyone more amazing than you. You always touch me with your music. Thank you Maestro.”
The trio has been very successful with their albums Escucha Mi Ritmo, Menu 890, Nuestro Ritmo and La Comparsa. The other two topline members of the trio are bass-guitar player Fonay Tibor and percussionist Czibere József. They can be heard in countless first class productions. Both of them were voted Musician Of The Year on their respective instruments in 2017.
We could say that the cream on the cake is the guest appearance of songstress Castagno Claudia, an amazingly talented representative of the new generation.
Révész Richárd – piano, Fonay Tibor – bass, Czibere József – percussions
Guest: Castagno Claudia – vocal
Opens one hour before the show.
You can buy your tickets via www.jegymester.hu.
Generally you can book tickets or even a table at the concert hall via phone.
Please note that all reserved tickets have to be picked up at least 30 minutes before the concert.
+36 1 798 7289
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