
Harmónia Jazzműhely: Urbán Orsi Quintet
As one of the most musically educated singers in Hungary, Urbán Orsi is acclaimed amongst musicians country-wide and over the borders as well.

Jazz Generations: Berkes Balázs – Csuhaj Barna Tibor – Dénes Ábel
Jazz Generations pays tribute to great musicians who have passed away with three performers of the same instrument, but from different generations.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Balázs Elemér Group
The Elemer Balázs Group, one of Hungary’s most popular jazz band was founded in 2000 by Elemér Balázs, the internationally widely recognized and popular jazz drummer.

Jewish Art Days: Náray Erika & Nyáry Krisztián Duo
The band will perform some of the most beautiful works of Hungarian cultural history.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

ALERANT Jazz Night: Swing á La Django feat. Roby Lakatos
The band created a special style-mix in their music with the harmony of authentic Hungarian music, French chansons, world manouche swing, tango and jazz.

Kővirágok Énekiskola Gálakoncert
The Kővirágok School of Singing presents it’s “Pop and light music” class to the audience by the end of the school year, for an hour long show.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Oláh Krisztián Trio
Krisztián was still only 20 when he came third at the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival. Within the next two years he won five different awards.

Kollmann Gábor Quintet
The band aims to preserve the traditions of the quintet formation, one of the most original and sonically rich configurations in jazz music.

Ecool Jazz Night: Balázs József Quintet
In addition to his success in jazz, Balázs József is considered as a recognised orchestrator and composer in other genres as well.

FREE Jam Session Nights: