
FREE Jam Session Nights:

The presents: Gayer Mátyás Trio
Very young Mátyás Gayer is a sensational jazz pianist.

Hajdu Klára Quartet feat. László Attila
Klára Hajdu Quartet’s repertoire includes Hungarian evergreens, own competitions, folk & pop songs in jazz adaptions.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

The INFORADIO presents: Trio Midnight
The group started working professionally in 1990, and has been recognised from the beginning by audience and critics alike as one of the best young European mainstream jazz trio.

Pesti Est Presents - World Stars at Budapest Jazz Club: Ramón Valle Trio
Cuban pianist Ramon Valle is a seasoned veteran with the explosive energy of a racehorse straight out of the gate.

Pesti Est Presents - World Stars at Budapest Jazz Club: Ramón Valle Trio
Cuban pianist Ramon Valle is a seasoned veteran with the explosive energy of a racehorse straight out of the gate.

V4 Jazz Festival
The aim of V4 Jazz Festival is to connect the outstanding jazz formations of the ‘Visegrád Four’.

V4 Jazz Festival
The aim of V4 Jazz Festival is to connect the outstanding jazz formations of the ‘Visegrád Four’.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Finucci Bros Quartet & Chico - Album Release Concert
Finucci Bros has been holding full house shows every month with guest stars. This night is their album release concert.

Grund Színház: Cagematch
In this Hungarian improvisational theatre play, two teams face eachother to form a complete story with just a few words. You can enjoy it without understanding the language.