
Faragó Miklós - Jazz Writ In The Water album release concert
The music of this group is characterised by sophisticated eclecticism and outstanding quality performance.

Magyar Zeneszerző Egyesület Jubileumi koncertje
Jubilee concert of the. Hungarian Songwriters Association, which has hosted several competitions since 1990.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Guitarmagic - László Attila & Juhász Gábor & Gyárfás István
This evening will be all about the guitar - three of the best Hungarian guitarists will be on stage.

Borbély Műhely
During his career, multireedist Mihály Borbély became a real versatile musician working in different musical styles from folk and world music to jazz and contemporary music.

Glass of Jazz vol.18. - A night for the lovers of Wine & Jazz
The event, where wine lovers can meet jazz fans to see why these two things make an exceptional match.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Balázs Elemér Group
The Elemer Balázs Group, one of Hungary’s most popular jazz band was founded in 2000 by Elemér Balázs, the internationally widely recognized and popular jazz drummer.

AVM Presents: SoLaTi
Solati band combines the characteristics of jazz with Hip-Hop, Neo Soul, and R'n'B. The music is written by pianist Tzumo Árpád, and the author of the lyrics is Kriszta Pocsai, who makes the music whole with her brilliant voice.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Szabó Gergő Trio

III. Csepregi Gyula Saxophone Competition
A competition for saxophone players under the age of 30. Evaluation and announcement of winners follows the contest right away.

Budapest Jazz Orchestra: New Days Ahead /The Music of Daniel Hofecker/ feat. Éva Bolba
BJO believes in the importance of making the music available to the jazz-loving audience, to show them how it has changed and evolved in the past decades, and to introduce them to the various performers who are considered as milestones in this style of music.