
Szőke Nikoletta & Takács Nikolas
The internationally known and recognized jazz songstress Nikoletta Szőke and one of the best pop singers in Hungary, Nikolas Takács are going to enchant the audience of Budapest Jazz Club.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Kanizsa Gina & Cseke Gábor Quartet- “Vocalese”
Singer Gina Kanizsa, gifted with a beautiful voice has never been averse to but has always been successful with risky undertakings.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Pluto és a Csillagok feat. Robi Lakatos
The band was brought to life by one of the most popular figure of Hungarian bassists.

Jazz+Prose: Bird - Charlie Parker's Life
Quotations from Julio Cortázar’s and Esterházy Péter’s writing, with Charlie Parker’s music by the Hungarian actor Tamás Varga, generation of Hungarian jazz musicians.

FREE Jam Session Nights:

Budateher Jazz Night: Nagy-Babos Rebeka Quartet
Nagy-Babos Rebeka was born in Transylvania. Their duo with Cseh Péter guitarist became a quartet at the end of 2019 with adding Miskolczi Márk and Klausz Ádám to the group.

ALERANT Jazz Night: Feraud-Borlai-Gotthard-Szebényi Project
Borlai Gergő's first album was released in 1998 with the title '17'. In 2001, he created the European Mantra, which is still one of the most exiting projects in our country.

MÁV Szimfonikus Zenekar: Zene-Tér-Kép Plusz koncertek
Children's program in Hungarian language.

Harmónia Jazzműhely: Balázs József Trio feat. Horváth Cintia
Balázs József is the leader and arranger of the East Gipsy Band which was immensely successful both at New York’s famous Blue Note and at the Detroit Jazz Festival, and he also happens to be one of the best jazz pianists in Hungary.